Thursday, October 23, 2008
Que Sara Sara...
Im feeling miserable today.
How I wish last night's fun don't end.
No sense of belonging Here.
My tear drops fell like rain just now.
Felt segregated & torn in between.
Just don't know who to trust Here.
No Guidance... left alone to mend.
Can't talk freely anymore.
No privacy and personal space.
I feel like quiting but this is no time to turn back.
Que Sara Sara... Whatever will be, will be.
Posted by ZayS at 10:47 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
all you ever feel will be emptiness inside.
though there's so many things happening around you.
so many people with you.
yet you still feel empty and restless inside.
somethings bothering you but you've no clue what.
you want to achieve something but you don't know how.
what is it that can make others seemed so happy but you're not?
Posted by ZayS at 3:12 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
21st burstday bash cum raya open house!

Finally 21!!! Woohoo!
Got lotza presents!
Just wished more of my friends compared to my mom's were able to attend! Pfft! But it's ok I got $$ from them! Haha!
Posted by ZayS at 2:46 AM