Wednesday, September 28, 2005
*Dedicated to ALL MCPs*
Yo MCPs!
I wanna puke!
Juz take a look...
You ugly freak!
You make me sick!!!
You think you're hot?
Puhleese! You're Not!
Hello?! You look like a cow!
Too bad I realized that now!
So here's a poem for you chauvinists!
Guess wad?! You're first on our list!
You think it's cool to mock?
In fact you're full of bullock!
Yo MCPs!
Hell! You make me wanna piss.
Listening to you makes me hiss..
Go away! I want peace!
Coz' you stink like cheese!
~ the hard works of the GST ladies... ;p
(zays, wanita-unrefined & lo que)
..."We Shall Prevail"... [For those who dunno wads MCP, find out urself... :p]
Posted by ZayS at 10:41 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
(edited) - the dark side-
Freedom attained through tarnished hopes and dreams
Reality overwrites fantasy when the reverse should be fact
Rescued by fantasies to turn away from ugly reality
Trapped forever in absolute anticipation of what lies ahead
Wounds so deep it feels numb from pain and sorrows
What’s life like… bleeding on dirt buried seven feet under?
...urs truly...
Posted by ZayS at 5:54 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
~The Long Road~
It's already hard enough to desire for happiness
These only make everything much more devious
Memories never die, but won't live to see this disgrace
Trapped forever in absolute anticipation of what lies ahead
Bloody wounds too deep its impossible to feel anymore...
Which is the path to lead me to the light of hope?
What are the hazards I'm to face in this road I'm crossing?
Why are there only dark shadows guarding and following me?
Where is help when I needed him to untangle me from this mess?
Who was it calling my name when I’m walking aimlessly in a trance?
There won't be an ending would it?
Lost in time like walking a thousand miles in a circle?
The whole world won't sympathize with this misery
Whisperings haunting in the head that this can't be true
Seeing joys, sorrows, pain and it worth it?
Am I to depend on these eyes of a hopeless soul on these forsaken life forms?
~urs truly.
Posted by ZayS at 1:50 AM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
My 1st melayu poem ever published
ku tak daya lelapkan mata
dalam kesunyian ku terkenang dia
kalau ku tidur pun tidak lena
apa yang ku boleh buat untuk melupakannya?
angan2 dibuai mimpi
kasih yang ku mahu tidak terperi
apalah nasibku ini?
aduhai! sakitnya hati...
hatiku resah gelisah
batinku meronta-ronta
inginku semai kasih yang lama
tapi sayang, apakan daya...
setiap hari berganti hari
setiap musim berlalu pergi
ku setia menanti disini
menunggu mimpi menjadi realiti.
*dedicated to jamil n amin -the mats jiwangs! Wakakah!
with the help and encouragement from jamil..
pls do comment.
Posted by ZayS at 2:36 PM